
Dry Cabinets vs Air Conditioners

February 04, 2020
Dry Cabinets vs Air Conditioners

Why do I need Dry Cabinets as I already have air conditioners?

Ans: It is because air conditioners can only reach RH levels of 50% ~ 60% whereas Eureka Dry Cabinets will allow your valuable items to be stored in specific humidity levels below 50% RH.

Furthermore it is not practical/economical to leave your airconditioner always turned on.

(Power Consumption of air conditioner: 1000 - 1500W depending on the model/brand)

But it is perfectly fine to leave your dry cabinets turned on because the power consumption of a dry cabinet is much lower than air conditioners and dehumidifiers.

(Power Consumption of dry cabinets: 4 - 6W for most models)